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Stand With Stephenson

"I hope that I can make my community believe... so that they can see what we can become. I hope that I can encourage and educate young people to take chances and join local government even if it only proved that regular people should have the chance to have a voice and make decisions that reflect and impact the people surrounding that area."
Small Businesses

Stephenson firmly believes that small businesses are the backbone of our economy and that they deserve all the support they can get. As a result, she is a passionate advocate for policies and initiatives that help small businesses thrive. She believes that local governments have a responsibility to create a business-friendly environment that encourages entrepreneurship, innovation, and growth. She also supports measures that make it easier for small businesses to access funding, training, and other resources they need to succeed.

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Food Insecurity 

Brittany Stephenson is deeply committed to addressing food insecurity in her community. She recognizes that access to healthy, affordable food is a basic human right, and believes that everyone deserves to have access to nutritious food. To this end, she supports initiatives that increase access to healthy food, such as expanding farmers' markets, community gardens, and food cooperatives. She also believes in the importance of education around nutrition, agriculture, and healthy eating habits, especially for children and families. In addition, Stephenson supports policies that help alleviate poverty and income inequality, as she knows that these issues are closely linked to food insecurity. Ultimately, she is determined to work tirelessly to ensure that everyone in her community has access to the healthy, nutritious food they need to thrive.

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Affordable Housing

Brittany Stephenson hopes to uphold the fair housing act of 1968. Her family has experienced housing discrimination, so she plans to make sure this policy is actively addressed if any discrepancies are evident. Along with making sure that we address statistics concerning homelessness and forced evictions in the County. Stephenson plans to build a better relationship between the Luzerne county housing authority and the council in order to improve the community's quality of life. Stephenson believes that everyone deserves access to safe, affordable housing and that a community's housing policies should reflect this basic human right. As such, she is a strong advocate for transformational policies around zoning, planning, and permitting that prioritize the creation of affordable housing. She believes that local governments should take an active role in promoting equitable development and that this requires not just changes to zoning laws and building codes, but also investment in new affordable housing units, tenant protections, and community engagement. She also believes in the importance of reducing residential segregation and supports efforts to promote mixed-income housing and integrated communities. 

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Infrastructure is only a problem in my community because officials neglect to use the funds to complete road work 100%. They consistently waste taxpayer dollars every time they do roadwork at 50%. Patchwork costs our county more and retains the same issues. Luzerne County deserves roads and clean streets and Brittany Stephenson can help with this agenda by funding the infrastructure if she is to be voted into the Luzerne County Council.

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Social Justice 

Social justice is a fundamental principle that should be at the heart of all policies and initiatives in our community. Stephenson understands that there are many barriers to achieving true social justice, including systemic racism, gender inequality, discrimination against LGBTQ+ individuals, and other forms of oppression. As such, candidate Stephenson is committed to promoting social justice and equity in all areas of her campaign, including housing, education, health care, and public safety. She believes that this requires not just words, but action and that it is essential to listen to and learn from the experiences of marginalized communities. She is committed to doing everything in her power to create a more just and equitable society, and to ensure that everyone in her community has equal access to opportunity, regardless of their race, gender, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic.

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Healthcare & Wellness

Access to affordable, high-quality health care is more than a basic human right, and everyone in her community deserves access to the care they need to thrive. She knows that the cost of health care can be a major barrier to accessing care and that many people struggle to afford even basic medical services. Stephenson is dedicated to promoting policies and initiatives that increase access to affordable health care, including expanding Medicaid and other public health care programs, reducing the cost of prescription drugs, and increasing funding for community health clinics. She also believes in the importance of preventative care and mental health services and supports initiatives that make it easier for people to access these services. 

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